Single PTS enclosure?

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Single PTS enclosure?

Postby Any2117 » Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:10 am

Hi..! I’m new here.
Recently got a baby PTS and he/she is doing great. Eats (and poops) like champ, climbs the cork in the terrarium and flicks that pretty (still VERY blue) tongue at me.

At the moment, I’m keeping him/her in a small enclosure, 12x12x12 (30x30x30) as it’s barely 4-5 inches long.

Sorry if this has been asked before but I can’t find it and online information is contradictory… what size tank would you use for an adult pink tongue? A single one? I’ m not interested in breeding at all and I love bioactive setups. I’ve been looking at seconhand exo terras, sizes 60x45x60, 90x45x60 and 90x45x45.

Which size would be better for a single one? I’ve read on older posts that some people kept them on a 10gal but I feel it’s only for babies. Likewise, some people with larger groups use a 120x60x60 but I have the one :doh:

People with ONE or single animal enclosures… what do you keep them in? :D
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Re: Single PTS enclosure?

Postby Y33T » Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:55 am

Pretty sure they get up to 18 inches long as adults, basically as big as one of my eastern blueys, I keep him in a 120x50x40 enclosure, I consider it the bare minimum for a small blue tongue, though not great for a pink tongue because it’s not tall. I would just go for a 120x60x60, bigger is always better.
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Re: Single PTS enclosure?

Postby Any2117 » Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:19 am

Thanks a lot! I’ll do that :)

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